Professional Development


Appreciative Inquiry

This workshop focuses on Appreciative Inquiry, exploring what it is, how to apply it, and the benefits of AI in the workplace. Participants will learn how to use the art of asking questions to create a more positive environment and increase employee engagement.  This approach is designed to focus less on negativity and more on encouraging self-discovery.

Coaching in a 2.0 Environment

In this half/full-day session, participants will experience the essential coaching skills needed to be effective in the 2.0 environment. This course is designed for front line staff and will incorporate key tools of CalWORKs 2.0 to assist in transforming the lives of our clients.

Coaching in a Virtual World

Transform the way you work with clients by taking the coach approach!  Coaching is a powerful tool to develop the potential in others.  Come learn the essential skills and steps of coaching in a virtual world. You will leave this workshop with the tools to begin coaching in a remote environment and change the way you connect with those you serve.  


Documentation Skills in Human Services

If you don’t document, it didn’t happen! Documenting correctly is an essential skill for every employee at every level.  Come to this interactive workshop and learn the art of documenting well. Through activities, participants will recognize the importance of capturing observable behaviors, focusing on facts, and learn what is necessary to include.

DISC Workshops 

DISC is a popular model of behavior, which when understood can improve communication, help build relationships, create better teams, and grow effective leadership skills at every level of the organization.  In this half/full-day session, participants discover the DISC profile tool, understand their own profile, and begin to identify DISC behaviors in self and others. Attendees learn ways to adjust and adapt their style to others resulting in heightened self-awareness and a more cohesive workplace.

Interviewing Workshop

Moving up in the world often hinges on how we present ourselves in an interview.  In this workshop, participants will first prepare for, and then participate in, a mock panel interview. Topics include dressing for success, how to have a strong opening, developing strengths and skills with examples, answering tough questions, and practicing.  Attendees will leave feeling confident and ready to interview for their next job or promotion.


Managing Change

Change is a constant in our lives.  Technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, impacting the way we live and perform daily tasks. Topics include the importance of WIFM to build support, what influences change, ways to prepare, plan, and delegate, using Appreciative Inquiry, and the importance of communication throughout the change process.  Participants will leave with the tools to manage change more effectively.

Overcoming Difficult Conversations

Holding difficult conversations with confidence and compassion is a crucial skill in the workplace. These conversations are often avoided or delivered poorly. It is when communication is needed the most that it is prone to break down the most. In this workshop, participants will learn what defines a difficult conversation, why it matters, and how we can make it safe to talk about almost anything. 

The Public Servant as Leader

Servant Leadership is a philosophy and a set of practices that enriches lives, develops organizations, and builds better communities. This workshop is designed for employees at every level to remind us of why we chose this work and the benefits in approaching those we serve holistically. Topics include what characterizes the servant leader, where servant-leadership applies, and ways we can enhance ourselves as servant leaders. Participants leave with a renewed outlook and the potential to better serve our clients and each other.


Telework and Telecommuting

For some people, working from home can seem like a dream opportunity. But with today’s work environment we are realizing that working remotely comes with unique responsibilities and challenges. While having a flexible schedule and no commute is desirable, there are considerations that need to be explored. This workshop will empower attendees with ways to stay motivated, connected, and productive while working from home in a virtual environment.

Thanks for the Feedback

Learning about ourselves can be painful. The way people deliver feedback is sometimes inaccurate, unfair, and poorly delivered. They may deliver it at times when we are least receptive. Regardless of that, we can learn to become better at receiving feedback and growing from it. As a result of this workshop, relationships can become more authentic, we can learn and grow, people find it more enjoyable to work with us, and by being vulnerable, we help others see the value in seeking feedback for themselves.  Attend this course and practice receiving feedback in a whole new light. 

Time Management

Time management often begins with setting goals and prioritizing. These goals are recorded and broken down into an action plan, or a simple task list. Activities are then rated based on urgency and importance, priorities assigned, and deadlines set. The process is supported by a skill set that should include personal motivation, delegation skills, organization tools, and crisis management. We’ll cover all this and more during this workshop.