Courses built for your needs.


We offer a wide variety of courses, customized to suit your needs. Courses are instructor-led in the classroom (post-COVID) or virtually using platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. We specialize in serving human services professionals and people working in the field of recovery support. Check out our classes and contact us to arrange a meeting to discuss your training needs. We are committed to creating engaging, interactive workshops where participants leave with new skills that make a difference in the workplace.


Building Resilience

Emotional Intelligence

Managing Stress


Work-Life Balance

Appreciative Inquiry

Coaching in a 2.0 Environment

Coaching in a Virtual World

Documentation Skills in Human Services

DISC Workshops 

Interviewing Workshop

Managing Change

Overcoming Difficult Conversations

The Public Servant as Leader

Telework and Telecommuting

Thanks for the Feedback

Time Management



Accountability in the Workplace

Building Better Teams

Coach Approach to Supervision

Coaching for Performance

Employee Motivation in the Workplace

Facilitation Skills

High-Performance Teams in a Remote Workforce

Managing Your Virtual Team

Performance Management for Supervisors

Performance Management for Leads 

Principles of Leadership

Principles of Leadership for Leads 

Progressive Discipline

Reflective Supervision

Servant Leadership

Writing Performance Evaluations in Human Services


Conflict Resolution

Cultural Awareness & Diversity

Customer Service

Inclusion and Implicit Bias

Essential Soft Skills



Training Foundations 101

Train the Trainer for Leads 

Presentation Skills 

Training Foundations 101

Train the Trainer for Leads 

Presentation Skills 


Let us create your custom course today